Fort Wayne Cinema Center

View Original

15 Days

With only 15 days of the semester left, a romantically clueless boy with strong feelings for a girl must win her over before the school year ends. Tim’s roommate, Ryan, pushes him to embrace his feelings and tell her how he feels. Ryan reminds him that you can't make someone fall in love with you, and time flies when things are going wrong.

Runtime: 9 minutes 55 seconds

Country of Origin: United States

Country of Filming: United States

Language: English

Dylan Herring

Mireille Rhodes

Riley Carr
Key Cast "Tim"

Rachel Bachar
Key Cast "Liz"

Brody Bowman
Key Cast "Ryan"

Cameron Worsham
Director of Photography

Ashley Harman
Production Designer

Ericka Whitman
Sound Recordist

Jared Weber